Reading Apprenticeship Introduction Workshop Jan 11th
Reading Apprenticeship Introduction
This highly interactive workshop will engage participants in metacognitive conversations centered on complex disciplinary texts that challenge and often defeat many students. By discovering and reflecting on their own ways of unlocking texts, participants will experience ways the Reading Apprenticeship approach helps students master core concepts and helps instructors explicitly support academic literacy in their discipline.
Do You Want to Learn?
- New strategies for helping students make the most of the texts you assign.
- How to improve student apprenticeship into academic and disciplinary ways of thinking.
- Help students better understand and solve problems in your disciplines.
The Reading Apprenticeship framework draws on the strengths students and faculty bring to build confidence and power to their work with texts, concepts, and each other.
Stipend and GTAs
Faculty participating in both workshops will receive a stipend of $400 (pre-tax) and GTAs will receive $176 (pre-tax).
Event Information
Tuesday, January 11, 9:30-1:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 12, 9:30-1:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/87145943381?pwd=VkhOaWhDa3FDRlprZUh4ZUloT29nZz09
Register: Click here to register
For More Information: Please email wac@sfsu.edu