Writing and Reading Pedagogy Workshops
The WRAC program offers writing and reading pedagogy workshops covering topics ranging from peer response, writing and reading to learn, and responding to student writing and reading.

Individual Consultations
Schedule an individual or group consultation with a WRAC team member. We are available to work with individuals, small groups (for example, faculty within a department who teach the same writing and reading-intensive course), and departments.

Faculty Development Opportunities
The WRAC program in conjunction with CEETL, workshops and certification courses for faculty to develop their disciplinary-based writing and reading pedagogy by integrating high-quality teaching strategies.

University Committee
The University Committee on Written English Proficiency (CWEP), consisting of SF State writing and reading-related administrators and faculty, partners with key stakeholders across campus to increase the WRAC initiative awareness. CWEP is also committed to fostering continuous dialogue critical to build a strong university culture around writing and reading and supporting writing and reading as a high-impact educational practice.