We provide professional development opportunities and workshops for faculty, ranging from resilient teaching to grant applications. We also have a curated list of resources to support student success in writing and reading classes.

Faculty Development Opportunities
A curated list of faculty development opportunities that include faculty learning communities, courses and institutes for faculty development, and consultations. The courses and institutes are available to all faculty and do not require completion.

Writing and Reading Workshops
WRAC offers writing and reading pedagogy workshops on topics ranging from designing low stakes writing and reading exercises to giving effective feedback on student writing and reading. For faculty who are interested in offering a workshop on a topic related to designing writing and reading pedagogy or assessing student writing and reading, contact us by email wac@sfsu.edu.

Resilient Teaching Resources
Resilient Teaching Resources support faculty who are teaching in times of disruption. Some areas of focus are planning and technology guides, resilient teaching & learning to help faculty continue multimodal teaching.

Just in Time Resources
A list of CEETL resources to expand or create an online toolkit of teaching strategies and technologies.

Student Resources
A curated list of student resources for faculty to assist students to become better writers. Resources include support for tutoring and advising, as well as citation

Grant Writing and Applications
A resource for faculty to receive support writing, reading, and editing grant applications and developing proposals.