Conversations About Challenging Moments

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Tools to help lead thoughtful conversations in your courses


Educators have a responsibility to embody the values and behaviors we want to see in the world. One way to do this is by creating opportunities for their students to express and process their feelings during a traumatic event. Even though instructors may feel overwhelmed to have these difficult conversations or may feel they don’t align with the content, we do need to acknowledge that the outside world affects the classroom. We need to find a way to facilitate and guide students but also respect those who may not want to engage.

We have some theoretical concepts and resources to support and guide you to facilitate difficult conversations in your classroom.


Pedagogy of Discomfort

  • Boler, Megan. (1999). "A Pedagogy of Discomfort." Feeling Power: Emotions and Education.  Routledge: NY, NY. 
  • Bird, F. B., & Waters, J. A. (1989). The Moral Muteness of Managers. California Management Review, 32(1), 73-88.
  • Zembylas, Michalinos (2018). Affect, race, and white discomfort in schooling: decolonial strategies for ‘pedagogies of discomfort’. Ethics and Education 13 (1):86-104.


Resources For Challenging Moments


    Pre- and Post-election Resources

    Acknowledging current events is important. You may not be an expert but students may need to be grounded to be ready for your content for that day. We suggest that you find a moment to acknowledge any discomfort or distractions, and use mindfulness to center students before starting class, especially on those difficult and tumultuous days. Our campus values free speech and we want to ensure that no student feels unheard or shut down. It may be important to have some community agreements in the classroom to enable respectful dialogue.

    We will continue to build this section but these are some resources for election-related conversations.