What is Teaching New & Newly Returning Students (TNRS)?
Teaching New & Newly Returning Students (TNRS) offers resources, teaching strategies and collegial discussions to support the persistence and academic success of all students.
This course was developed with needs of first-year, second-year and transfer students coming to campus for the first time along with remaining students returning after an extended period of remote instruction in Fall 2021 in mind. While this course was developed for a specific moment in time, many of the topics continue to be salient in navigating the needs of students new to the university. In this course, participants will develop and expand strategies to:
- Promote feelings of inclusion, belonging and community in academic settings;
- Recognize and respond to the lived experience of the faculty, students and staff;
- Facilitate learning and positive academic identity development; and
- Apply pedagogies of care to support ongoing health and wellness.
This course remains open as a resource for SF State faculty.
Stipends for faculty completion of CEETL course offerings were made possible through one-time emergency federal funding (CARES and HEERF) for COVID-19. This funding source has now concluded as of 4/25/22. CEETL courses remain available as a resources for the campus community, though stipends for completion will no longer be awarded.