Excellence in Online Pedagogies

Academic Technology and the Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning are excited to invite SF State faculty interested in teaching a quality online course to enroll in Excellence in Online Pedagogies. The course equips faculty with essential approaches to designing and enhancing online synchronous and asynchronous courses.


Course Topics:

• Evaluating online courses using quality standard rubrics.

• Orienting students to online learning expectations.

• Addressing the digital divide and inequities through course design.

• Developing engaging, inclusive and collaborative online activities and assignments.

• Humanizing online courses and creating social and cognitive presence.

• Teaching strategies related to artificial intelligence.


Earn a Digital Badge!

You can earn a special Excellence in Online Pedagogies digital badge acknowledging your completion of this course. To do so, you must work through the 5 course modules, complete a course map and schedule and attend a consultation with AT instructional designers or CEETL teaching & learning specialist to review your course map. We estimate that it will require 10 hours to complete these items and earn your digital badge. You can find more information on the course website once you enroll. "

Course Schedule:

Course Availability Date: Monday, June 3rd

We look forward to your participation in this enriching professional development opportunity aimed at enhancing the quality and inclusivity of online education.

Enroll here or go to https://sfsu.instructure.com/enroll/J88AAP