JEDI: Critical Digital Tools 

Facilitated by Dr. Kira Donnell

Spring 2024's CEETL JEDI series will focus on the digital domain. Join us as we discuss innovative ways in which to use technology in the classroom, consider ways in which digital platforms have helped and/or hindered equity and access in education, and explore practices and perspectives that will ensure that we and our students uphold just and equitable digital citizenship in our classrooms, communities, and beyond.

A $50 stipend will be awarded to all Faculty participants for each session.

Sessions will run from 1-2 pm in person in LIB 242


Feb 7 Virtual Citizenship: Building Critical Digital Literacy Skills

Dr. Kira Donnell

In this session, we will consider the impact of our digital presence. We will explore ways in which implicit bias, monetized content, and the digital footprints we leave behind affect the ways in which we navigate the online world. Join in our conversation as we consider how to responsibly and critically utilize online resources for education.


March 20 Journaling in Community: Social Media as a Reflective Teaching Tool 

Dr. Jessica Adams-Grigorieff

In this workshop, we will explore how social media like Twitter, TikTok or YouTube can be spaces for self-reflection, pedagogical growth and community. We will explore teaching communities online and practice reflecting by making our own media posts. While the workshop will focus on reflective teaching practice, we will also briefly consider how you might use social media journaling with your students.


April 17 Approaches to Teaching Critical AI  

Dr. Jennifer Trainor

Join us for a discussion of Critical AI in the classroom. We'll overview some of the ethical and social justice limitations of AI-powered writing tools, and share teaching strategies for helping students develop critical AI literacy. 


May 15 Digital Literacy: Pushing Back on Oppressive Citation Cycles through Critical Citation Practices - POSTPONED 

Talía Guzmán-González and Ashley Woodruff

In this workshop, attendees will learn about and practice skills related to discovering, evaluating, and citing academic works created by BIPOC scholars. We will talk about the current structures that uphold privilege in publishing, that often exclude scholars of color and/or People of the Global Majority, and discuss different practices to break the oppressive citation cycle.


Please register for one or more of our JEDI workshops on our intake form.


Past Program Information Found Here:

Fall 2023 JEDI Program

2022-2023 JEDI Program