Vol. 2, Issue 3, April 08, 2021

Letter from the Editor — Rites of Remembrance and Renewal
By Wei Ming Dariotis, Faculty Director, CEETL; Professor, Asian American Studies Department; Affiliate faculty Educational leadership Doctoral Program
This Spring marks the one-year anniversary of the beginning of active quarantining for the COVID 19 epidemic. We remember and honor the many members of our community and their families who have been and continue to be impacted by COVID-19 and the economic crisis.
This year also marks the increase of the visibility of ongoing racism pandemics, particularly in the form of state-enacted violence against Black people and state-sanctioned hate speech and violence against Asians and Asian Americans.
Together, in unity, we are devastated and heartbroken at the racist, deadly violence that transpired in the Atlanta area on March 16, 2021. This violence is rooted in images and ideas about Asian American women. As educators, we have an important role to play in teaching about the structural intersectional racism that victimizes Asian American and Pacific Islander American women in devastating ways
In response to the ongoing violence against Asians and AAPIs, and to acknowledge education is liberation, CEETL has partnered with the department of Asian American Studies to create a guide for Teaching in Days After anti-Asian violence.
Moving from resistance to renewal is part of the work of spring as a season in nature and in human societies.
Online Teaching
Many of us held on to many fears about teaching online before being forced by the past year’s circumstances to confront our resistance. Teaching and learning remotely over this past year, all members of the SF State community have pulled together to face the myriad challenges of continuing to support our students’ educational journeys. In our CEETL Survey of Faculty, 62% reported a preference for teaching in person before COVID-19; but since the pandemic began, have completed CEETL’s Online Teaching Lab, JEDI PIE in Online Education Institute, or both, and now 64% of faculty prefer to teach online. As we consider the many exciting possibilities of teaching and learning online, we must also plan for the success of all students and continue to invest in the development of our skills..
Social Justice
We have seen the resistance to introducing ourselves with pronoun declarations followed by a resistance to making land acknowledgments — often rooted in uncertainty about the impact or value of words compared to actions. Similarly, there are debates around the values of making solidarity statements, but they are an important place to begin our response to these types of incidents, because they help those impacted feel recognized and valued as important members of our community. And these statements can inspire acts of allyship that transform lives.
Our goal is an oppression-free workplace and place of learning, one which spreads social justice throughout our communities in innovative and creative ways. We have cleared and prepared the ground; the sun is warming the earth and the rains have come. The time to sow our seeds is now!
In unity,
Wei Ming Dariotis


Online Resource Guide To Support Teaching in Days After Anti-Asian Violence
The Department of Asian American Studies and CEETL have prepared an online Teaching Resource Guide for teaching in days after anti-Asian violence.
The guide includes a variety of resources that cover a broad range of subjects that can be helpful in teaching and learning, as well as outside of the classroom: the history of anti-Asian racism; de-stigmatizing Mental Health; stopping stereotyping, AAPI Allyship; donation opportunities; community-based organizations; helpful reporting outlets and data; and much more.
Please visit the CEETL website to view the full Teaching Resource Guide.
Taste of the PIE: Faculty Highlights
A Prompt from the JEDI PIE Institute:
- Identify an assignment that you utilize in a course.
- Do this activity as though you are a student.
- Time how long it takes you to do every piece of it.
- Imagine that you do not know what you know about your discipline: where might a student experience a barrier in doing this activity?
- Are there cultural, racial, gender, or other barriers to doing this activity?
- How long might it take a student who takes longer to read or write because of neurodiversity or language issues?

Checking in with my International Student Identity
by Mayumi Hagiwara
Assistant Professor
Special Ed. - Graduate College of Education
When thinking about student workload, I need to remember my previous identity as an international student from Japan, struggling to do anything and everything, even going to a bathroom during a lecture because it was not allowed throughout my schooling in Japan. However, I almost forgot about this identity until one of the students in the undergraduate course came to me with one question, "I don't know about kids with disabilities. What do I do with them?"
Although many of the students in this course are not familiar with special education, at least they have educational experiences in the U.S., so they have something to refer to. As a sibling of a sister with intellectual disability, I have personal experiences with disability, which have been my reference point and helped me understand topics covered in class ever since I started my college career in the U.S.
When this student raised the question, I was instantly pulled back to my international student identity and thinking about how to answer her question. This is the opportunity to spread positive impressions of students with disabilities! Now, I know that there is an English learner with limited knowledge about special education in the course, I have to rethink how to present information and provide supports for all students to navigate their coursework. I assume it would take a lot of time for this particular student, being unfamiliar and also having two small children at home. But I am sure whatever supports and accommodations that I provide to everyone will benefit them all. I will continue to check in with my international student identity to make sure that students are getting meaningful educational experiences and inspirations without feeling unnecessarily overworked.

Space as Pure Luxury
by Ilana Crispi
Assistant Professor
School of Art
I try to be flexible with what's expected. Recently, with COVID, deadlines have become more like guidelines. I do find that students have a hard time digesting the material as it's posted. The idea of the flipped classroom can be great - allow the students to more passively view material on their own and engage in active discussion together. I have found that many students are only participating (or primarily participating) during our synchronous meetings. They're working on their creative projects, but not spending as much time with the resources meant to inform their work. Looking at iLearn logs, I see many of the links and videos are left unseen, and a student will launch into an assignment before viewing the demonstration or instructions. What I find myself doing is showing shorter video clips or giving lectures during class (not so flipped classroom) so that the following discussion or project is more informed.
I know that students are facing more challenges now - balancing limited wifi with big families in crowded living situations.
One assignment I gave at the start of the semester was to have students imagine their ideal workspace. I didn't want to ask them to show where they're working as it could be an invasion of privacy and a demonstration of unequal resources they might not want to share. The space they present could be real or fantastic or even a conceptual realm in which they want to work. Most students share drawings of beautiful spaces that reflect a desire for both personal space and community (an art studio where the community could also work or a pull out bed for people who might need a place to crash or furniture on wheels that could be pushed aside for a dance party). There were pink churches in the woods and warehouses full of windows. One student described her space as pure luxury and totally unrealistic - her drawing showed a small desk by a window with a small bookshelf for her imagined library - not even a whole room. She said her imagined space would be in the city so her family could be close by. She's currently sharing a room with her siblings and grandmother and working on her bed.
I'm missing the ability for students to show up together and work together in a common space on campus. Working virtually, students are getting a better sense of the very different experiences and privileges they have. Time to work for many is harder to carve out virtually. My flipped classroom and balanced workload is a work in progress.

Space for Reflections on Potential Emotional Labor
by Gulnur Tumbat
Everyone's circumstances are going to be different while we all experience emotional labor in multiple facets of life. One way I think about this as it relates to my courses is through personal reflections I assign for different topics I cover. Based on my observations so far, these assignments have been great outlets for students’ reflections. They provide them space to think about what a particular topic means to them personally and to be able to express and share how they relate to what they learn in class given their own positions in life.
As an instructor, I also engage in personal reflections during my lectures while I cover different topics in the hopes that my students see me as a person and feel safe and comfortable thinking about and sharing their own reflections.

A Magic Number
by Miguel Balboa
Lecturer Faculty
I’ve encountered this 3:1 student workload ratio since I was an undergrad (back when Yoda made his big-screen debut). Students could expect three hours of work outside of class for every lecture hour. They can expect nine hours of work outside of class for a three unit class — caveats, of course.
This magical number has been in my syllabus since I started teaching (Grunge was a hot new thing). Based on feedback early on, I told my students that this calculation was a worst-case scenario. For most, a 1:2 ratio was a better projection.
I have not revisited this ratio much since then. The change to online asynchronicity made me wonder how accurate this was.
The calculator put me at 8.57 (5 contact + 3.57 Independent) — so if this is right, I am still in the workload ballpark.
I found this exercise timely and important. Intellectual work has changed, and I am not always sure how to calibrate digital learning for time spent and learning efficacy.
The workload calculator cannot consider how familiar the individual is with the skill or discourse language. Struggling with a new language will increase the workload ratio. It also does not allow for cognitive variances among individuals, which may require further accommodations. Nor does it make allowances for the emotional labor assignments stir up in each student, nor the impact of the social, political, or environmental contexts.
Listening to our students can correct this deficiency. For instance, I changed my class text based on feedback from upper-division philosophy students who told me the readings were too hard.
There’s more I need to consider. For example, studies show that screen time strains the eyes and the psyche.

Average Estimators/Diverse Students?
by Sheila Tully
Lecturer Faculty
Women and Gender Studies
I did not find the estimator to be helpful. In my courses, students and their learning needs/practices are so diverse that a particular number of hours does not seem especially useful. Perhaps I am overthinking all of this but in my courses, I discuss the very notion of time and time management. For example, an older returning student married with two small children and working full-time while trying to attend school full-time does not have a time management problem - she has a time problem! But in the same course, I have students who do not need to work, have no other major responsibilities and can devote as much time as they choose to focus on school work. A workload estimator is not nuanced enough for the complex lives of many of our students.
Instead, I encourage students to think deeply about what they want to contribute to and what they want to get out of the course, then realistically consider what is possible given their life circumstances. I then suggest that they try to plan strategically. If that means missing a couple of low-stakes assignments, so be it. I build in a couple of optional assignments if students want to "make-up" work.
I also make clear my own values and priorities. In my view, family is more important than coursework in the context of this pandemic, economic crisis, racial reckoning, trying to help children with online learning and so on. I let students know that as much as possible, I will work with them to complete the course. However, I also tell students that my mantra is "desperate times, desperate measures." These are desperate times for many of us. In this context, it is fine to submit an assignment that may not be the strongest work ever...but it is "good enough." I often am dismayed to realize that students hold themselves to a much higher bar and have much harsher evaluations of themselves and their work than I do.

Be the Light
by Paige Viren
Associate Professor
Recreation, Parks & Tourism
As someone who worked full-time and had a family while going to school, I have always factored my own experience when considering the needs of students. I saw my children struggle with professors who were inflexible, and it resulted in undue anxiety and stress. We are all human and life "happens." I try to ask myself, “how would I want someone to treat my child?” and I feel it helps me be a better teacher.
I also ask myself, "are you a light in dark places?" I can be the difference between a student quitting or staying in school. That's a lot of power.
I want to use my power for good.

Nine Hours, How?
by Leyla Ozsen
Associate Professor
Decision Sciences
The recommended nine hours of study per course would be impossible for some of our full time students who also have to work full time to finance their education. That translates to 80+ work weeks that they have to sustain for the entire semester. The larger issue is students having to work full-time jobs rather than focusing on their learning. For as long as the tuition goes up, the equity gap will only increase. This is a structural issue that can only be addressed so much in the classroom by instructors. The real issue is the demonstrated administration bloat across campuses in the nation. We do not need this many administrators nor fancy buildings. We need to invest in faculty, lower the tuition and support students financially.

Gender, Interruptions and Workflow
by Santhi Kavuri-Bauer
School of Art
I often ask students to produce a StoryMap that combines written work and collecting images.
Students will need to have a stable internet connection, know how to select images from the internet, and use google maps. A laptop or desktop is also necessary to store images. If my students don't have their own laptop or access to the internet, they will have problems. They might have to share the computer with siblings. The assignment requires two to three hours to complete; interruptions due to work, childcare or other obligations may cause them to forget where they left off.
Female students may have childcare obligations taking time away from their work. Students who live in multi-generational households will be dealing with distractions and noise. Students who work will have more difficulty finding the 2-3 hours to complete the assignment in time.

Feedback for Me
by Diana Sanchez
Assistant Professor
I am starting to understand more the value and impact it has on a student's experience when I set time aside to consider the different assignments in the class and how these may impact them.
For example, during one synchronous class meeting in Zoom, I asked students to draft a short writing (i.e., 2-3 sentences) from the week’s topic and to post it in the chat. While students were working on this, I received a private chat from one student letting me know that she was attending class that day on her phone. This surprised me because she attends class each week from a computer.
She shared with me that she had recently moved and didn't have access to a computer like she typically does. This made me realize that even though I had given an introductory survey to students asking them to disclose any technical limitations/access issues they had for class, many students are still facing dynamic situations in their life. Their situations are continuing to shift and change: their living situations, work schedules, time for family care, and access to technology and resources.
After this experience, I changed my strategy to regularly ask students at the end of class for feedback on what was and wasn't working with the class (e.g., assignment, format, time spent in class). In addition to this, I posted an anonymous feedback survey which is open to students every three weeks. This allows students to anonymously share their greatest likes and challenges with the course.
My goal with these additional opportunities for students to share Feedback with me is that I will learn more about what obstacles they are facing and how I can help make the content more accessible to them.

Kitchen Table Studio
by Susan Belau
Associate Professor
School of Art
In preparing for online teaching of my studio art classes, I created demonstration videos and materials that required me to do the assignments that the students would be doing. I did these projects using the same materials that my students would have and in my “home studio” of my kitchen table – complete with moving dishes out of the way, keeping the cat off my art supplies, clean-up and packing away my “studio” in its box when my work time was finished. It was a very valuable experience for me in planning the projects and in anticipating some of the issues that students may have in completing their work. Moving through these processes in the makeshift setup at home was much more time-consuming than when working in the classroom studio.
For students taking on these new art materials and processes on their own at home, it can be very intimidating. That hesitancy is something that I didn’t have to contend with, but many of my students do.
My video demonstrations are thorough and given in short segments, but it is also a lot of information. Many students have to watch the videos and look through the guidelines several times before they are confident enough to begin their projects, which adds to their workload.

Practicing my Preaching
by Trisha Gonzales-Waters
Lecturer Faculty, Student Teaching Supervisor
Elementary Ed. - Graduate College of Education
As a student-teacher supervisor, it is very important for me to try and communicate everything that I know about working with young people in schools. This is extremely difficult when so much of what goes into teaching is intangible and cannot be explained well enough. Every student that will ever enter our classrooms has multiple physical, mental, emotional, academic, behavioral, and cultural needs. Our students come to us with a plethora of lived experiences, learning styles, abilities, and realities. We must adapt to them and do what is necessary to create learning spaces that heal and empower.
As educators, it is our responsibility to see each student for who they are. We do this by acknowledging student’s individuality and providing equitable opportunities for them to learn, grow and have a voice. Every new school year, we are given new groups of students and families to get to know and work with. The process of developing respectful, caring and meaningful relationships begins on day one and continues throughout the year. Yes, this is a difficult task when you have such diverse personalities and needs to address. However, it is necessary if you want to be an effective educator.
Some advice I give my student-teachers is to focus on the most important things at any given moment. The most important things almost always include human connections, developing meaningful relationships with your students, having authentic conversations, showing students their worth, giving them hope, empowering them with knowledge, igniting a love for themselves and others, developing compassion, resilience, fellowship and friendship, the value of pride and deeper understanding of our beautifully tainted world, and how they fit perfectly into it.
Less importance ought to be placed on lesson planning, creating elaborate presentations, completing worksheets and assessments. Higher test scores do not equate better schools, smarter students or more effective educators.
In education, and I am sure in many other fields, the most important things are often done unconsciously and organically, but felt deeply and remembered always.

Fighting Zoom Fatigue with Bichronicity
by Mary Requa
Assistant Professor
Mild Moderate Support Needs
Special Ed. - Graduate College of Education
The course workload tool was a helpful tool to help me evaluate the amount of time I ask students to complete assignments and readings. I think I have managed to strike a good balance between in-class and independent coursework. My graduate students are typically intern teachers who, during the pandemic, have spent many hours online with young students as well as preparing lessons.
Zoom fatigue is a significant issue for my students. Consequently, for the last three semesters, I have taught my classes bichronously. We meet on Zoom synchronously for discussion and activities (e.g. learning how to administer assessments; examine IEPs; jigsaw reading discussions) for about 90 minutes. Then, they are required to access my lecture asynchronously. I record my lecture and slide deck on Zoom so that they can watch the lecture at a time when they are more well-rested and ready to engage in the content.
Additionally, I try to make my assignments meaningful by embedding new teaching technologies that encourage them to explore the instructional tools they can use in their distance learning environments (e.g., Flipgrid, Edpuzzle). The students seem to appreciate this system and, in an informal survey, have shared that they would like to continue this format in the coming semester.

Love that Last Question
by Jeff Jacoby
Professor of Media Arts
Adviser: Audio and Radio Production
HA! That last question (“did you enjoy having a lighter workload in this module?”) made me laugh out loud, because I had just taken note of the lighter load in this module. I'm going through some personal issues at the moment, so I appreciated the "easier" module. And that, of course, is what students are experiencing, too. Students at SF State are often handling all sorts of personal and professional issues while they attend school.
I am acutely aware of the time (and the energy) required for the projects I assign. I have done professional projects in media for 50 years, so I know the considerable effort required. The key for our students is to offer rigor paired with flexibility, and access to help in a variety of ways, from time with a mentor to peer teaching. Demand excellence, but offer alternate pathways, and let them know you are always there as a guide, a resource, and a mentor. Get in the boat with your students. Pull the oars with them. I don't know why I am using boat metaphors now, but you get the idea.
Try, all the time, to understand what each individual student is experiencing. It’s OK to ask them about how things are going. Ask about the work you assign: Did they enjoy it? What did they get out of it? Push them, and then help them. Students, just like all of us, want to feel supported, and valued as part of our community. The instructor can, indeed must, create that environment, and that learning community.

Partners in Teaching

Resolution on Prioritizing the Recruitment, Hiring, Retention and Promotion of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Staff, Faculty and Administrators
By Arlene Daus-Magbual
Senator, Student Affairs Committee, Academic Senate; Director, Asian American & Pacific Islander Student Services, Equity & Community Inclusion; Faculty Lecturer, Asian American Studies Department
At the heels of summer 2020, when we had mass mobilizations in support of Black lives and against state-sanctioned violence, our student body asked what we were doing to address systemic racism on our campus. One of the concerns is the lack of staff, faculty and administrators who reflected their identity as Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). BIPOC students represent about 85% of our student body and having a diverse student population presents an opportunity for our university to do something transformative.
The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) met with campus partners with Associated Students, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management such as the Division of Equity and Community Inclusion, Career Services and Leadership development, AVP of Faculty Affairs, faculty from Ethnic Studies, and CFA Counselors Committee/ Black Counselor Faculty Subcommittee. We looked at our campus climate survey, the outcomes from Black Student Forums, and statistics from Institutional Research and HR.
The purpose of this resolution is to address the significant equity gap between the demographics of our students and our employees, and we created this resolution in support of our wider University efforts toward anti-racism. The resolution encourages SFSU to do the following:
- Apply an equity-minded, social justice framework to address historic and contemporary issues for our diverse student population.
- Commit to removing institutional barriers to recruitment, retention and advancement.
- Hiring of lecturer faculty handled by department hiring committees and be guided by anti-racism and JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) best practice principles
- Increase diversity in hiring committees.
- Collect and report disaggregated data to uncover patterns of inequities in hiring practices.
- Create an Academic Senate Committee on Diversity and Equity.
- Evaluate the racial and ethnic diversity of its membership and leadership of Academic Senate to reflect to our diverse student population.
- To institutionalize education and training that move us toward our goal to being an anti-racist University.

The ExCo "Critical Active Teacher" (CAT)
By Daniel Curtis-Cummins
Lecturer Faculty
English Language and Literature
The ExCo "Critical Active Teacher" (CAT) was originally envisioned for one purpose: visibility. Since being reinstated in 2017, the Experimental College is a growing program promoting student empowerment, voice, and agency at SFSU by enabling students to teach their own courses - on any topic they want. To promote visibility of the program, my purpose for the CAT has always been to spotlight students in their roles as teachers - whether recorded interviews last semester about their general process, or targeted conversations this semester on topics from community building for retention, to self-care strategies for teachers and students (also, eventually, for retention).
Much of this wisdom is passed from CEETL's amazing faculty development spaces that I've participated in over the past year, shaping all of our transitions to online teaching and learning, and directly influencing what ExCo teachers share in the CAT Newsletter from their perspective as student teachers.
The results have been far broader than making the program more visible, and in less than two semesters have already created spaces across campus for connection and collaborations with CEETL and others, in new projects to help all SF State students in our community learn best and feel invested in their learning and teaching environments. I am so grateful for CEETL, our extended faculty networks and community and the ongoing spirit of collaboration at SF State — and by extension so are the student teachers of ExCo!
Please note, we encourage faculty to let their students know that our Fall 2021 ExCo Application period closes on Friday, April 9, and we are looking for students from every major, every department to teach a class on a topic of their choice! Apply at exco.sfsu.edu!

Sexual Violence Prevention Collaborative is Piloting a New Program Titled Trauma-Informed Professors & Staff (TIPS)
By Bridget Gelms
Assistant Professor
English Language and Literature
In light of the recent killings of Asian American women in Atlanta, gendered attacks on AAPI women nationally, and in conjunction with Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April, the Sexual Violence Prevention Collaborative is piloting a new program titled Trauma-Informed Professors & Staff (TIPS). TIPS is a trauma-informed workshop designed to assist faculty and staff in developing the skills necessary to support students who have experienced traumatic events with a focus on survivors of sexual violence.
TIPS will cover topics such as how trauma affects the brain, how to accommodate survivors in our classrooms, how to navigate the reporting process and how to develop practices that reduce harm and increase wellness in the classroom. TIPS includes facilitators and speakers from CAPS, The SAFE Place, DPRC, Title IX, and more.
This is a six-hour workshop held via Zoom across two consecutive Fridays: April 16th & 23rd 2021, from 1-4 p.m.
To register, please visit: http://bit.ly/SAAM21TIPS. Based on demand, the Sexual Violence Prevention Collaboration anticipates offering TIPS again in Fall 2021. Contact Bridget Gelms at bgelms@sfsu.edu with questions or for a full agenda.

Teaching Research Toolkit
By Nicole Allensworth, BECA, Communication Studies, Journalism Librarian; Faith Rusk, Health & Life Sciences Librarian; Lizzy Borges, Education Librarian
Research isn’t a single skill, but a composite of many different skills. There are great breadth and depth to research instruction that can’t easily fit in a single session with your librarian. In response to this challenge, we created the Teaching Research Toolkit. It contains active learning, student-centered activities to use in your classes, so that you have the resources you need to effectively scaffold and teach research.
We’ve organized the activities into four categories:
- Topics and Research Questions
- Finding and Evaluating Sources
- Reading Sources
- Using Sources
We also have resources to support you in planning, scheduling, and scaffolding your research assignments.
Each activity has a cover page with the learning outcomes, estimated time, an overview of how to conduct the activity and some suggestions for modifications you can make to adjust it for your discipline, or specific class. Currently, we are working to update and revise the Teaching Research Toolkit through a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lens. Our goal is to improve the accessibility of each activity and provide a wider variety of options and modifications for diverse learners.
We welcome collaboration with faculty from all departments and appreciate users’ input to make this toolkit relevant and useful for teaching across the university.

March Updates from the Academic Senate
By Teddy Albiniak, Senate Chair, Academic Senate; Director of Forensics, Lecturer Faculty, Communication Studies
To receive weekly briefings and other announcements, join our distribution list serve by emailing senate@sfsu.edu or review past week-in-reviews on the Senate box.
MESSAGE on Anti-Asian Violence
The Executive Committee of the Academic Senate extends our condolences to the friends and families of the eight people murdered in Georgia and share in heartbreak and outrage at the expressions of violence on March 16, 2021. We stand with our colleagues, families, students, friends and communities in condemning this latest example of Anti-Asian violence and the increase in intensity of hate since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the targeting of Asian women in particular. As educators, we have the capacity to challenge and change the perceptions and stereotypes at the root of these acts of white supremacist violence. We share and extend the call and commitment to stop AAPI hate.
- Report experiences with racism and bias to Stop AAPI Hate or to the Bias Incident Education Team
- Encourage students to seek support from Counseling and Psychological Services
- Invite students to continue to attend AA&PI Student Services and open forums hosted with ASI
The voting period for open seats to the Senate and to various standing committees across campus will take place April 5-April 16. We are excited to implement our constitutional changes from 2019-2020 to include additional staff representation. Please see campus memo for a link to your ballot.
It’s also not too late to sign up for:
- Big congratulations to Dr. Darlene Yee-Melichar, SF State’s statewide senator and ASCSU Vice Chair, whose name is one of two forwarded to Governor Newsom for CSU Faculty Trustee consideration!
- COVID-19 CSU Impacts Executive Summary, March 17, 2021
- RSVP to “Trauma Informed Professor & Staff” training to support students who have experienced traumatic events, with a focus on survivors of sexual violence on Friday, April 16 or April 23 (1-4 p.m.)
- UBC Presentation March 18, 2021, includes: presentation on carry forwards and reserves; enrollment, application, and retention trends, opportunities, and challenges; University Enterprises budget review; update on federal funds (HEERF 1, 2, and 3)
- SVP for UBC virtual office hours scheduled from 10-11 a.m., April 16, and May 21
- Check out UBC’s Budget 101 website for definitions of key terms and explanation of the budget planning process
Zoom recording for the March 16 plenary is available on our outward-facing box.
The following items passed. As a reminder, resolutions are available for distribution. The Senate office will clean up the formatting, distribute, and post to the resolution archive. Policies will need presidential concurrence before being uploaded. Links below reflect the amended versions voted on at plenary.
- Proposed changes to F20-264, Online Education Policy
- Resolution on Prioritizing in the Recruitment, Hiring and Retention of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Staff, Faculty and Administrators
- Resolution Affirming Shared Governance and Budget Transparency in Times of Crisis
- Revised Degree Title for the BA in Family and Community Sciences
- New Certificate in Ethnic Studies Empowerment
The following items are scheduled to be in second reading at our next plenary, April 6, 2021.
- APC: Proposed New Policy S21-XXX, Graduate Admissions Policy
- EPC: Proposed Discontinuance of the Certificate in Commercial Real Estate
- CRAC: New Certificate in Ethnography
- FAC: Proposed Resolution to adopt “lecturer faculty” as term for lecturer employees
Please check the campus memo for items that may be in first reading!