CEETL is committed to the daily actions of unity that supports justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. We welcome persons of all races, ethnicities, religions, colors, ancestries, ages, disabilities, genetic information statuses, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, marital statuses, medical conditions, national origins, sexes, sexual orientations, covered veteran statuses, formerly incarcerated statuses, or any other protected statuses.
Call for CEETL Faculty Directors have now been filled
The Division of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development calls for applications and nominations to TWO Faculty Directors within the Center for Equity & Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CEETL). All lecturer faculty and tenured/tenure track faculty with five years teaching experience at SF State are welcome to apply.
CEETL is the heart of the University’s commitment to a culture that values and rewards teaching, supports diversity among learners and promotes learning environments that foster social justice and the respectful and vigorous exchange of ideas in which students and faculty thrive and succeed.
Each Faculty Director will work collaboratively within a team of CEETL Faculty Directors, CEETL Faculty Fellows, staff, and administrators to support and uphold the CEETL mission, and will focus on one of the following areas of specialization:
- Writing & Reading Across the Curriculum (WRAC)
- Multimodal Excellence in Teaching & Learning (METL)
Apply with statement of interest and CV emailed to Senior Director Anoshua Chaudhuri, anoshua@sfsu.edu
**Positions have been filled**
Frequently Asked Questions
Faculty Director Specialized Responsibilities
Two Faculty Directors will be selected, one for each of these specialized roles:
- Faculty Director for Writing & Reading Across the Curriculum (WRAC): Supports student academic success through the development of 21st century critical reading and writing skills across and within the disciplines; Lead the GWAR Learning Community and GWAR brownbag, providing pedagogical support, campus resources, student success tools, community and belonging, and addressing equity gaps, Lead peer-review learning communities open to all faculty, with a focus on critical reading skills, classroom engagement, workload management, and student-teacher communication. Serve on CWEP; Serve on TASC;
- Faculty Director for Multimodal Excellence in Teaching & Learning (METL): Leads the New Faculty Learning Community, providing pedagogical support, campus resources, student success tools, and community and belonging, support student course completion and achievement of learning outcomes across all learning modes; provide faculty development to ensure the application of evidence-based, data-informed course design & teaching practice. Serve on the Online Learning Committee and First-Year Experience Committee
Typical role of a faculty director is to support CEETL’s mission and vision by doing consultations with individual faculty and departments and keeping a record, organizing and leading in-person and online Workshops, designing and facilitating online courses for faculty at various stages of development, serving on committees, contribute to CEETL newsletter and spend a minimum of 3 in-person hours per week working alongside the team during CEETL’s designated common day. Faculty directors are also expected to participate in various CEETL projects, including but not limited to: (1) contributing to the New faculty foundation and Lecturer Faculty TLC program, with a focus on campus orientation and fundamental pedagogy; (2) contributing to the University Retreat program, with a focus on campus involvement; (3) coordinate teaching awards and (3) engaging in any other emerging projects and initiatives as necessary.
Faculty Director Shared Responsibilities
All CEETL Faculty Director positions share these responsibilities in support of the CEETL mission:
- Grow a campus-wide community of practice committed to life-long learning about equity and excellence in teaching and learning through use of inclusive and anti-racist pedagogies, and reflective practice;
- Consult and partner with departments, colleges and community members, and serve on SF State working groups and committees;
- Investigate the impact of CEETL programs and services on student success, measured by campus progress towards eliminating the equity gap, increasing course completions, and promoting student persistence and timely progress to degree;
- Positively contribute within a collaborative and collegial CEETL leadership team, composed of CEETL Faculty Directors and staff, to honor and leverage the disciplinary expertise and lived experience of every team member.
- Who: All qualified individuals with a lecturer faculty or T/TT appointment and at least five years of teaching experience at SF State, whether lecturer faculty, tenure‐track or tenured, are encouraged to apply.
- Where: This team of CEETL Faculty Directors will report to the Senior Director for Teaching and Learning and reside within the Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL).
- Compensation: The successful candidates will receive a two-year appointment that carries a workload reassignment equivalent to two courses per semester, for a total of eight courses over the two year period, with possibility for renewal.
- Term: The CEETL Faculty Director positions will begin on August 5, 2024 at the latest, though interim workload reassignments and/or stipends may be available upon selection in Spring 2024.
- A faculty appointment, whether lecturer, tenured or tenure-track, with five years teaching experience at SF State;
- Demonstrated understanding of the theory and practical application of the relevant specialized subject matter expertise for the desired position (e.g. Equity and Inclusion; Reading and Writing; Multimodal Course Design; Student Learning Assessment) in a higher education environment;
- Excellent written and oral communication skills, strong organizational and project management skills;
- Demonstrated ability to work independently under general direction and work collaboratively with faculty and staff;
- Propensity towards collaboration, teamwork, active listening and positive leadership, with a commitment to equity, inclusion, and social justice; and
- (Preferred) Experience in the development and implementation of successful faculty development programming in higher education.
- (Preferred) Tenured full or associate professor preferred for the Faculty Director of METL
Applications should be emailed to Senior Director of CEETL, Dr. Anoshua Chaudhuri at anoshua@sfsu.edu that include the following in a combined PDF file:
- Letter of Interest (max 500 words) that describes your commitment to equitable and inclusive teaching, and identifies the unique skills, experiences, and expertise you would bring to the Faculty Director position(s) for which you would like to be considered.
- Current Curriculum Vitae (no more than 5 pages)
- Contact information for three references (e.g., faculty, staff, or administrators) who can speak to your disciplinary expertise, commitment to diversity and inclusion, communication and mentorship skills (include names, titles, affiliations, telephone numbers, and email addresses).
- An email/message from the department chair and college dean confirming support. This message of support can also be emailed to anoshua@sfsu.edu.
- For more information about CEETL, consult the website at ceetl.sfsu.edu
- For additional inquiries, email ceetl@sfsu.edu Attn: Faculty Director Search