
CEETL's Second Annual AI Symposium

CEETL is hosting a mini-symposium on using AI in the classroom, entitled "Embracing and Resisting AI: Best Practices in the Classroom” to be held on zoom on Friday, May 2, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. We are looking for panelists to share short (6-7 minute) presentations on how they have addressed emerging AI technologies in their classrooms. We are particularly interested in hearing from faculty about how you are teaching students about AI; how you are teaching them to work with AI in your disciplines; and how you are protecting student learning from AI shortcuts where necessary. If you are interested in presenting, please click here and provide a brief (200 word) summary of your proposed presentation.  Deadline for proposals: April 5. 

JEDI Workshop: Harnessing SF State’s basic needs and parenting resources to improve student equity gaps

Many SF State students are attempting to achieve their college goals while raising children or struggling with basic needs instability. These students face particular challenges, but the good news is there are resources and strategies to help them succeed. In this workshop, Karen Boyce, Director of Health Promotion and Wellness, and Ryan Farquhar, Health Communications Specialist, will educate faculty on the needs of their special population students, share resources that can help them, and provide strategies that can be used in the classroom to help them succeed. 

Pints and PIE: Coteaching with students in the sciences

Please join CEETL for a workshop led by Chemistry and Biochemistry Professor Jingjing Qiu who will share about how she uses social media and podcasts to enact co-teaching, and she will share and facilitate a discussion for co-teaching with students in the sciences. 

Faculty participants at this workshop will:

  • Learn and share strategies/teaching approaches for encouraging students sharing their knowledge in different formats outside classrooms.
  • Discuss ways to integrate social media for students to share their knowledge.
  • Share and discuss outreach activities/ideas outside classroom teaching such as those related to RSCA.
  • Build community with other faculty who are interested in promoting students’ learning with social media.

Return of the JEDI PIE Certificate Launch Meeting

CEETL invites you to participate in JEDI PIE: A new Hope to learn about culturally responsive pedagogy. This is the first micro-course in a 3-course series.  Course starts on Feb 3 and will remain open rest of the year. Those who complete by April 15th will receive a $250 stipend. Mark your calendar for a Zoom launch on Feb 5th at 12 noon.  If you are curious and dont want to sign up yet, email us at for a zoom link for the launch. 

JEDI Open Educational Resource (OER) Workshop

In this CEETL, AT, and Library collaboration, learn the basics of using open educational resources (OER) to save students money and support teaching and learning. OER can encompass a variety of materials,  including syllabi, lesson plans, learning modules, lab experiments, simulations, course videos, discussion prompts, assignments, assessments, library guides, and course design templates.  

  Join us to learn more about OER and tools for finding, creating, and customizing open resources. CSU faculty who adopt OER and other low- or no-cost course materials are eligible to apply for an Affordable Instructional Materials Initiative (AIM) grant. 

Pints and PIE: Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (RSCA) as a High Impact Teaching Practice

The 2022 State of California’s Blueprint for Higher Education and the SF State 2023 Strategic Plan have established goals to ensure that all students participate in at least one transformative educational experience or high impact practice to prepare them with the knowledge and skills that they need to succeed.  Undergraduate RSCA is one of the high impact practices that has been shown to increase student success and employability in the workforce.  The goals for this workshop are to: 

  • Learn and share strategies for incorporating undergraduate students into your own RSCA. 
  • Discuss ways to incorporate research experiences and creative activities into your courses (CURES – Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences) 
  • Engage with SF State CREATE – the new hub for student RSCA opportunities on campus. 
  • Build community for faculty currently working with undergrads on RSCA and those who might be interested in getting started. 

This workshop will be facilitated by CEETL Advisory Board member Professor Kate Hamel