We have organized our faculty development curriculum around three main curricular components — foundational knowledge, specialized knowledge and peer learning community — which we refer to as Slices of Pedagogies for Inclusive Excellence (PIE). All of our certificates consist of our Slices of PIE. The PIE Slices support faculty as they build community, expand upon their teaching foundations, engage in critical practice and reflect upon their personal and professional growth. Once faculty participate and complete all three courses — Slices of PIE — they will receive a certificate on a theme related to PIE.
The three slices of PIE include:
Foundational Teaching Skills
Development, through a series of workshops or an institute.
Specialized Knowledge
Development, through a deep dive into the discipline with faculty experts.
Peer Learning Communities
A semester-long engagement in reflective teaching practice with faculty peers.
PIE Certificates Offered

Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Online Certificate
Funded by a HEERF allocation to support faculty as they transition to remote instruction, we are offering Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Online PIE. Learn More: QLT

Transformative Teaching Through Transitions (TTTT) Certificate
The TTTT PIE Certificate is your go-to faculty development program for all things teaching during this transitional year. Learn More: TTTT