The Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) fosters an inclusive and welcoming teaching & learning community for faculty and the campus community to engage across disciplines. Our CEETL educational program offerings, initiatives, and resources promote learning environments that value diverse perspectives, experiences, and contributions. Through fostering partnerships across campus schools, departments, and offices, we provide institutional support at all levels of teaching and champion opportunities for reflection, connection, innovation, and inspiration.

Engage in Peer-Supported Teaching & Learning Communities:

Call for Proposals: CEETL's Second Annual AI Symposium on May 2, 2025
CEETL is hosting a mini-symposium on using AI in the classroom, entitled "Embracing and Resisting AI: Best Practices in the Classroom” to be held on zoom on Friday, May 2, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. We are looking for panelists to share short (6-7 minute) presentations on how they have addressed emerging AI technologies in their classrooms. We are particularly interested in hearing from faculty about how you are teaching students about AI; how you are teaching them to work with AI in your disciplines; and how you are protecting student learning from AI shortcuts where necessary. If you are interested in presenting, please click here and provide a brief (200 word) summary of your proposed presentation. Deadline for proposals: April 4.
Proposals Click Here.
Faculty Career Development

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)
Extensive resources are available to support faculty research, scholarship and creative activities (RSCA), with a special focus on supporting BIPOC and women faculty.
Activate your FREE membership today!
Seek Support Services

See How We Can Help
CEETL offers individual and group consultations to lecturer faculty, T/TT faculty, staff, and departments on a variety of topics related to teaching and learning. Schedule a one-on-one consultation.