Join CEETL's newest micro-course “Reading for Meaning.” This foundational, fully asynchronous, self-paced course supports students’ engagement with different genres in their discipline. This course offers teaching strategies, resources and collegial conversations in support of academic success for all of our students through social annotation.
In this micro-course, participants will:
- Develop students’ critical information literacy with digital sources, using free, online social annotation tools
- Help students develop a flexible reading mindset for various rhetorical situations as a reader, to adapt to and transfer reading strategies in multiple disciplines, and in lifelong learning.
- Understand how students are processing information at specific points in a text and effectively identify gaps in comprehension.
- Foster students’ ability to analyze complex writing structures, interpret visual presentations of data, and understand experimental design.
- Support students’ reading process by scaffolding reading (watching, listening to) texts with strategies for pre-reading, during reading, and post reading.
- Model for students reading for meaning in your discipline.
This course is no longer offered.
Stipends for faculty completion of CEETL course offerings were made possible through one-time emergency federal funding (CARES and HEERF) for COVID-19. This funding source has now concluded. CEETL courses remain available as open resources for the campus community, though stipends for completion will no longer be awarded.
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